Ismael Igartua ha vuelto a ser incluido en la lista de “Global Leaders” de la prestigiosa publicación IAM. Este reconocimiento se suma a la inclusión de Idoia Apraiz en la guía “IAM 300 The World´s Leading IP Strategist.

Ambos figuran, además, junto con Eduardo Gónzalez y Amaia Sarasola, en la lista de profesionales recomendados “IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Professionals” del año 2023.

La guía dice lo siguiente sobre GALBAIAN y sobre nuestros compañeros Ismael, Eduardo, Amaia e Idoia:

“GALBAIAN is a first-class outfit that provides a comprehensive suite of IP services. The team are highly professional, reliable and easy to work with.” Managing director Ismael Igartua comes in for special praise for being “a gifted European patent attorney with an ability to think outside of the box and remain steps ahead. He is quick to understand the technical detail, which is especially useful in complex litigious environments, and can explain concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Ismael is also a great strategic mind when it comes to patent prosecution and IP portfolio management”. “Eduardo González is an effective European patent attorney, who has plenty of experience, delivers a flawless work product, and always provides advice that is clear, to-the-point and well-reasoned. He gets under the skin of every issue, has a strategic view of cases, and helps you to understand where to focus to get the best results.” Commercially savvy, Amaia Sarasola boasts extensive subject matter expertise and is completely dedicated to seeing her service users succeed. IAM Patent 1000 debutante Idoia Apraiz has a keen eye for monetisation opportunities and delivers nuanced IP strategies that generate results.”

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