IAM gidako patente agentzia gomendatuen zerrendan agertu da beste behin GALBAIAN. Berau da zerrendan agertzen den euskal jatorriko patente agentzia bakarra.

Bestalde, Ismael Igartua patente agente oso gomendagarri bezala nabarmendua izan da berriro. Estatu mailan lan egiten duten patente agente guztien artean sei besterik ez dira oso gomendagarri izendatutakoak.

Gidak honako hau dio GALBAIAN eta Ismael Igartuari buruz:

Basque IP co-operative GALBAIAN has a unique background, having started out life as an in-house department of the Fagor Group. The firm still maintains close connections to the group and its parent company, Mondragon Corporation – managing its patent filings and supplying it with business-focused advice. With particular prowess in electromechanics and telecoms, GALBAIAN attracts clients looking for impeccable drafting and targeted counsel. The team is led by prosecution and strategic counselling wizard Ismael Igartua, who attracts widespread acclaim from mechanical clients. As one loyal patron explains: “Ismael and his team have always shown a genuine interest in the technical aspects and the context of our projects, providing the best advice on how to protect our IP assets. He has a deep understanding of industry, technology and the business needs of his clients. With his outstanding technical expertise, he is able to service the needs of both technology-based industries and the academic world.” Another expounds: “The human treatment you receive from Ismael and his team means that the company he leads is considered by his users as a partner and not a service company.”


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